Monday musings - Health (and some floating love handles)
Photocredits: Unknown
This weekend I did the grown up thing and visited a spa. We got lucky since it turned out to be a quiet day and I almost managed to get into what you would call, “a meditative state”. This particular spa includes a big and very beautiful sauna/bath are where nudity rules. Now, I know there might be some cultural and/or personal disagreement on whether or not swimming around nude with a bunch of strangers is a thing you want to do on a Sunday morning (above the age of four), but hear me out. I happen to not care at all. It’s not that I particularly look forward to full view of love handles and pubic hair but it feels, dare I say it, pretty normal to me. Also, as anyone who has ever had the joy of visiting one of these marvelous places would attest to, it’s the most asexual environment you have ever experienced besides from, I don’t know, your gynecologists chair. I’m digressing. When seeing all these naked bodies (as you can hardly avoid it) in their full glory I always think of how good it is to experience actually seeing so many “normal” bodies. And by normal I mean, Giselle look a likes or bodies that flow marvelously in all directions, we all look awkward when losing our slippers sin the pool.
Also, I catch myself focusing not so much on what they look like but rather how healthy and strong they look, or not. It’s funny, you might think that watching a naked body would create the ultimate focus on looks but I find it rather enhances the true function and state of the human body.
Around the end of the day Sunday, sometime before we were getting ready to leave, I found myself lazing about in one of the Jacuzzi's. On the other side where two older ladies, age is hard to tell but let me go out on a limb and say around 70. They were chit chatting a bit but quieted down after some time and one of the ladies started to float with her head on the edge. Her face looked so content and well, happy, that it made me smile as well. Without knowing anything about her or her life I thought to myself; she must me so happy she can be here, healthy, feeling good and still do this at her age, I would be! Of course I cannot know if this lady was actually healthy or even happy for that matter, but I hope I wasn’t that far of. It’s pretty natural, even bordering cliche, to start looking more to the health of your body instead of looks as you get older (referring to my not 18 year old self), but I do find peoples relationship to the health of their body interesting. Are there people who do not think about it at all and are they per definition all smokers? Do people who drink and smoke worry more about their health that the quinoa people? Or is it the other way around?
Myself I try to live healthy in general, but it’s only in the last years that I’m starting to feel really bad about my approach if I do not work out regularly since I know it’s so much better for you long term. I DO want to look and feel healthy and strong well into old age and sometimes I’m worries I’m not doing enough. My second vice is getting slightly hypochondriac when sick, getting more convinced by the hour that my eating chocolate pudding regularly and not doing enough weight lifting has done its job and now I (god forbid) have cancer. True story by the way, I actually do think this even if it’s just for 10 seconds.
Am I alone in this? What are your worries? Do you have them? What do you do to cover your metaphorical butt when it comes to health and body matters? Tell me!
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